Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hara is not just a place. There is the physical location in the body three tsun below the naval in the center of the body. The place where all movement is supposed to originate. If you allow movement to come from this core in the body You can move longer and father. Hara, however, is far more than just that. It is the center of all movement and therefore not just a physical locale, but a spiritual one as well. We each have a Hara. We each have a place along the spiritual path we're taking that gives us our Hara. Depending on our individual Hara we each move differently. When we move through this location we are more powerful and we move farther. Each of us is in our own journey to discover our Hara and how to move through it. It creates more fluid movements, transitions, and allows movement to reach further than it has before. With our Hara driving us we can do things that would normally wear us out. Hara is not just a physical location at all, but it is more assuredly a phylosophical place as well.


  1. I think my hara is anger, as when i've been in places such as Ranger school or Special Forces training I realized if I think about things that infuriate me it allows to move further and faster. Does this fit the bill?
