Tuesday, May 4, 2010


The say that honesty is the best policy. That the truth will set you free. They always forget to mention how badly that all hurts.

Sometimes it must seem endlessly futile to be honest. We tell the truth and still get punished. We lose the things we want most in life and end up standing on the edge of eternity looking in at all the people who are holding everything we want. We lose relationships with people we love, and potential relationships with people we might have loved. We are left with nothing at times. Nothing but the want to take it back. The wonder of seeking some type of cure for all the hurt seems endless. There is rarely a happy ending for those who are honest. Life apears to be passing them by. They watch friends and family marry, have children and grow old. We must just grow old. Alone.

Perhaps someday someone will make it right. But in the mean time it would apear that the lonely are the honest. Even when that honesty has been descretely manifest. Quietly in private, or held in reserve until asked for and delivered tactfully. The loneliest place in this world seems to be held for the honest. We get ourselves into trouble and tattle on ourselves to be honest. The strongest punishment is ours; not the one who held it back and hoped no one would ever find out. No, it would apear that because we 'knew better' we are more severely stricken with consiquences. But if we had truely known better would we have done it in the first place? We love at the cost of our souls sometimes. That is another topic, for another time. The fact remains, we have nothing to show for our honesty but the scars left behind and the pain. And all we really want is for no one to speak of the honest moments that have left us with nothing. We wish to forget that they ever happened,and look back at them only in the intimate moments of trusted companionship. . . which is a debatable probability at best. The children we hoped for will not be ours, the homes we hoped to create will go to someone less honest, the success we aspire to will leave us with our face in the mud.
Honesty, it would seem, is only the best policy for the dis-honest.

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