Sunday, December 29, 2013


You are here. You are where you will always be. This moment in time; the only one that will ever matter because it belongs to you. If you do not own this moment in time it will never come again. You need to shine like you have never shone in your entire life. Like the world could not survive without your brightness. This doesn't mean you are the only one shining. You need to light everyone around you on fire. There needs to be something inside you that recognizes that you will not always win, but that in losing gracefully you light the fire of the winners. Be that wonderful image of dignity that makes everyone around you want to share in the moments you exist. There is no other moment in your whole life that will shine like this one. Come win or lose. You may lose in love, but you will be the brightest light; inspiring everyone around you to be a hopeless romantic just one last time. You may lose in business, but you will be the light of inspiration for other entrepreneurs. You may lose in many things, but if you are willing to own the moment you are in, and embrace it. . . You will never be more happy than in that moment. You may also win in life. Be sure that when you win that you lift others around you. Bring everyone you are able to into this moment. Because nothing else is so important you must lift everyone around you into the beauty of the moment. Sad moments will happen, find the beauty in it. There is beauty in every moment; including the dark ones. Find that beauty no matter how hard it is to find. Bring it into the light of who you are and enjoy it. You will be lonely, and you will be confused. These are beautiful moments in time. The diverging of two roads and you get to pick one! How wonderful to be able to have no distractions as you conquer the moment you are in. No matter the outcome; when you belong in your moment you end the victor. You will be amazing, and you will be loved. Not everyone will see that, or feel the same. Everyone will envy your ability to be comfortable in your moment. Be, in this moment.

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