Friday, August 10, 2012

Apricots From Afghanistan

I enjoy being one of those Massage Therapist who tells you to go try this new burger joint I've just discovered. I do not drink wheatgrass every morning, I don't eat tofu (unless I order miso soup with my sushi.), I have no intention of getting rid of my pinesol clorox wipes or febreeze air freshener, I don't believe a skinny woman is a healthy woman, and I don't think you need 10 hours of Yoga everyday. I believe in common sense. I am the kind of therapist who recognizes that to enjoy life we need to enjoy some of the more indulgent things in life. We can't spend all our time fixing our deficiencies. Learning to enjoy our flaws makes them beautiful. Now I'm not saying we need to stop forward progress, not by any means! Things that stop moving are dead. I don't recommend Zombie status. It's kind of a mess. I'm just saying to stop focusing on all the hype. If you're going to end up dead anyway we might as well enjoy a little bit of the trip. Like any good road trip it is the boring wastelands that give the random moments the biggest stage. Imagine driving along in the mountains and you've been staring at pine trees for a million miles. Then suddenly a stone bridge, and a flying saucer made out of old satellite dishes. You better believe you're stopping to get a picture in front of this great piece of trash that broke the monotony! Likewise if a sign reading "Fishtrap" shows up after staring at tumble weed and suicidal jack-rabbits for 400+ miles. . . again, you seize the photo op. The things we do to improve ourselves are these breaks in the road trip of life. I'm sure there are people who don't mind repeating the same scene over and over, but personally I'm not a fan. I go stir crazy after a couple months in the same apartment. I believe learning things that make us healthier, and smarter, and stronger are good. I do not agree with getting swept up in the hype. There is a level of common sense that has to be applied. Everyone should have a basic understanding of their own anatomy. No I'm not saying we should stand in front of a mirror examining the freckles on our hide parts. I'm saying we should understand how the body metabolizes food, how it moves, how it builds tissue, how it breaks tissue down, and why it does certain functions at all. If you can understand the basics about your body when someone writes an article about the latest diet you can read through it, and determine whether or not it's worth the page it's printed on. Enjoy the little things. Yes cholesterol is sometimes high; so enjoy the butter on your toast sparingly. Yes your muscles stiffen and tighten as we age; so enjoy a little Tai Chi, or Yoga a couple times a week. Indeed, it can be said that too much junk/fast food makes you overweight and morbidly obese; so enjoy the hamburgers with bacon you can eat by not eating them everyday. Like I keep saying : Common Sense. My idea's on life as a Therapist? Enjoy every moment you can for what it is. Even the bad moments are beautiful, you just have to wait a little longer to see the beauty sometimes. Believe that beauty exists and seek it out by improving YOUR corner of the world. Make it contagious with goodness that people will carry to others like an infectious disease. Perhaps then we can infect all of humanity with a brotherly love that doesn't end.


  1. I am so grateful that you are my sister. You speak your thoughts plainly and beautifully! Thanks for the permission to put the butter on my toast and the admonition to learn more about how I function as a person. I LOVE YOU :S

  2. Great post! Common sense sure goes a long way. New follower here!

  3. Dad and I agree-- you should write a book. It would make money and be helpful to others at the same time! besides it would be easier on the wrists : )
